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The VIcon Awards

Raised on a single desire to fulfill an old Virgin Islands adage to “give people their flowers while they are alive,” The Virgin Islands Icon Awards is a platform for celebration and recognition of Virgin Islanders, Belongers, residents and people claimed by these islands throughout the diaspora. 

The Virgin Islands Icon Awards will be the most opulent event, setting the right tone to commemorate the work people have done throughout the territory through their platforms and brands; in many ways that work has made us all better.

Led by a Lifetime Achievement Award and an award for Emerging Youth Talent, complete with a $5,000 cash prize given to the winner, the award system recognises those who thrive in 26 areas of focus. 25 of those areas are permanently named, but the flexible 26th Category, as it is called, will allow producers the ability to award persons in a category that is reflective of the most topical cause of that year.


The 26 categories for 2024 are:

  • Lifetime Achievement Award
  • Emerging Youth Talent
  • Nation Building
  • Humanitarian Efforts
  • Writers and Publishing
  • Environmental Works
  • Sports- Athletic Performance
  • Sports- Athletic Development
  • History/Culture/Traditions
  • Religion/Spirituality/Inspiration
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Media- Presenters
  • Media- Producers
  • Media-The Show
  • Live Entertainment Ensemble
  • Visual Arts
  • Music-Production
  • Music-Performance
  • Education and Youth Development
  • Tourism
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Commerce
  • Health/Lifestyle/Fitness
  • Aesthetics
  • Event and Interior Design
  • The 26th Category-Social Media Influencer of the Year

The Awards Show is built on an even more impressive Training Academy, The VIconic Training Academy, which is open to 50, 10th to 12th Graders and young creatives who learn the art of production from start to finish. The Virgin Islands Icon Awards therefore acts as the final exam following weeks of training in disciplines like talent management, script writing, front-of-house-management, sponsorship and more.

Finally, The Virgin Islands Icon Awards offers corporate sponsors unequivocal promotion and brand placement as brands enjoy a triple feature of corporate outpouring:

  • Sponsoring the 50 young people in The VIconic Training Academy
  • Rewarding the winners of each category who are undoubtedly THE BEST in the Virgin Islands.
  • Money raised from the Awards Show is donated to a charitable cause.

The red-carpet styled event will present the best of Virgin Islands performers and we end the night with chic parties you can rub shoulders with the newly-minted winners.