Welcome to

The VIconic Training Academy

The VIconic Training Academy is an unprecedented look into the inner workings of a production from start to finish.

It is a six-to-seven-month programme made up of several short courses that give theoretical and practical training on several topics. After all students are immersed in the core programmes, they are then split into working groups (encouraged to be named to build team spirit) with leaders assigned.

Together, they will follow a guided map of responsibilities and jobs to ensure they are achieving benchmark goals all leading to 1st July, 2024, when they open the doors to The Virgin Islands Icon Awards, the largest “group project” to hit a stage in the Virgin Islands.


In a short time, so much can be taught, and we intend to teach our young creatives as much as they are willing to learn!

The VIconic Training Academy is a training programme open to 50 young people: students from 10th grade to 12th grade, and college students.

Students will enroll for six to seven months in several short courses designed to introduce them to the multifaceted show production industry.

A full list of courses/presentations are listed below. Read each one to see the exciting topics The VIconic Training Academy will present this year.

  • Video Capturing and Video Editing
  • Stage Production
  • Backstage Management
  • Stage Management
  • Front-of-House Management
  • Guest Relations
  • Performer Handling
  • Hospitality
  • Logistics
  • Performance
  • Writing for Television
  • On-air and On-stage Presentation
  • Event and Show Production
  • Script Writing
  • Organisation
  • Time Management
  • Public Relations
  • Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Finance
  • Booking and VIP Relations
  • Community Relations
  • Sponsorship


Facilitators for The VIconic Training Academy represent some of the best and sharpest professionals in their area of expertise and instruction. Facilitators come from among the producers of The Virgin Islands Icon Awards, The Assembly of Judges and from the resident experts within our partnering brands.

Our producers, judges and sponsors are all committed to offer themselves in service to the community to train a new generation of production professionals.

Benefits & Rewards

The knowledge gained from the hours of instruction offered as part of The VIconic Training Academy curriculum is invaluable. But even with so much value already built into our programme, participants still benefit from the following:

– Instructional material provided
– Uniforms provided for various events
– Supported group dynamics
– Topics taught by seasoned professionals
– Community service hours
– Knowledge to perform tasks as taught in sessions
– Résumé builders
– Eligibility to win The VIconic Volunteer of the Year Award
– Eligibility to win prizes as top performing students
– Eligibility to win $2,500